24 Hour Bail Bonds

Bail Bondsman Raleigh

Getting arrested doesn’t always happen from 9-5. If you find yourself either sitting in jail or driving to pick up your friend or loved one in the middle of the night, you are going to want to find a local 24-hour bail bondsman. Regardless of why you were arrested, being behind bars is not an enjoyable experience, and it can be important to you and your loved ones well being to get a bail bond and avoid spending the night in jail.

Jails aren’t exactly known for their safety behind bars. Because space is often limited, a variety of offenders are placed in the same cell, awaiting release or transport. While not everyone is bad, there are sometimes that one bad apple that is just looking for trouble; the longer you are in that cell, the greater your risk of becoming a target. Because the bail bond process does take time, it is important to contact a bondsman as soon as possible.

Time is money, and not everybody has plenty of time to spare. Life is full of responsibilities including work in the morning or your weekend with the kids; not to mention preparation for your court date, depending on the charge. Don’t let one mistake lose you more time than it has to. If you are short on cash, we offer payment plans for our Raleigh bail bonds, that let you get out and get on with your life as quickly as possible.

Even if you do have time and money to spare, nobody wants to spend their night sleeping in a jail cell. Let’s just say the facilities are lacking, and the bed leaves much to be desired. Kahuna Bail Bonds has the experience to help you navigate the bail bond process and get back home 24-hours a day.

Info courtesy of: Big Angels Bail Bonds